We have set-up an facility for pre-processing of Hazardous waste at Tarapur to make it suitable for co-processing in cement plant. We provide Hazardous Waste Management Services by for collection and transportation of HW for disposal through incineration as well as pre-processing followed by co-processing in cement industries.
The hazardous waste produced is identified as per the Schedule - 1 (Rule 3 (4) A) of the Hazardous waste (Management and Handling) Amendment Rules, 2016.
The waste that is to be incinerated is packed in HDPE bags of approx. 5 –6 kgs weight as per CHWTSDF, requirement. These are then transported as per MOE & F guide line to the incinerator Plant in specially made identifiable containers with proper labeling and waste category number.
Similarly liquid waste that has to be incinerated is transported to the incinerator Plant in identifiable portable tanks with proper labeling and waste category number.
A record of hazardous wastes received, stored, handled and disposed off is maintained. The hazardous wastes, which do not contain heavy metals, are fed into the Rotary Kiln incinerator which operates at a temperature of upto 1,400 degree celsius. Auxiliary fuel is fed and fired to maintain the above temperature. After combustion/ partial combustion of waste in the Rotary Kiln incinerator, the off-gases are led into a static Post Combustion Chamber, the temperature of which is maintained at approximately 1,000 degree celsius. A residence of about two seconds at a temperature of approximately 1,000 degree celsius ensures complete removal of organics. The off-gases are cooled down to about 350-400 degree celsius in the Waste Heat Recovery Boiler and enter the Gas scrubbing System. The gases are further cooled in the quenching system and then washed with an alkaline water spray in quench scrubber and Ventury scrubber, Acidic gases are also removed in this step. A cyclone separator removes entrained water from the off gases. The fine mist carried over by the gases is removed in the Mist Eliminator. The washed gases are then vented into the atmosphere via a 30-meter tall chimney. The ash removed from the Rotary Kiln is analyzed for any leachates. The quality of off-gases is monitored continuously. The entire incinerator Plant is operated under a negative pressure to avoid fugitive emissions or accidental release of flame.
The programmable Logic Controller controls the plant operation through a number of in-built safety interlocks and in case of any variation in the operating parameters brings the plant to a safe condition.